21 Juli 2008

Hide User Name

By default, Welcome Screen displays all the local users on the system. However, built-in administrator account will never being displayed at the Welcome Screen except when you boot in Safe Mode .

This tips is for you to user name in the welcome screen or logon screen.
1- Open your Registry (Go to Start>Run . Type regedit and click OK)
2- Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\… …CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList
3- Create a new Dword Value (Go Edit>New>Dword Value) and name it with username that you wish to hide.
4- Set the value to:
0 to hide
1 to show
5- Click OK and reboot.
For you to be able to login with the hidden username, press CTRL+ALT+DEL twice and you will be prompt with old school logon screen.
Good Luck
p/s: this also work with Windows Vista

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